Saturday, May 16, 2009

Colored Pencil 101

I so want to go to this, but I have to work during the exact time that this is going on. I want to join the Colored Pencil Society, but they have their meetings when I am at work. So, I will wait until I make enough money to quit my job. :)

Anyway, the San Diego Chapter of the Colored Pencil Society of America will be having a Colored Pencil workshop at the Serra Mesa Library on June 13, 2009 from 9:30 to 2PM. The materials fee is $10 and soft drinks and water is provided. However, please bring a lunch.

There will be door prizes!

They will be providing handouts for the lessons, but they also request that you be prepared and bring the following items:

Hand held or battery operated pencil sharpener.

A kneader eraser

An HB graphite pencil

And, the following Prismacolor pencils:

#922 Poppy Red
#925 Crimson Lake
#902 Crimson Lake
#903 True Blue
#907 Peacock Green
#994 Process Red
#938 White
#901 Indigo Blue
#996 Black Grape
#916 Canary Yellow
#937 Tuscan Red
#988 Marine Green
#1012 Jasmine (Yellow)

I'm not sure if the handouts and materials that they are handing out include drawing paper, but I would bet that they would.

The following stores will give a 10% discount if you bring in the flyer (you can get it at the library) or show a CPSA membership card:

Artist and Craftsman Supply
1911 San Diego Ave

Blick Art Materials
1844 India Street

The Library is located at 9005 Aero Drive across from Montgomery Field (zip code is 92123 for those looking it up on Mapquest, Yahoo or Google Maps).

If you need more information, contact:

Marji Huntington at

Or, Deb Gargula at

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